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You are warmly invited to the young pop music vocalists competition "ZELTA BALSS 2024" which will take place on 13 April, 2024 in Ādaži!


1. The goal of the vocal competition:

  • to promote the vocal development and creativity of children and young people

  • to promote the growth of children and youth vocal groups

  • to promote the social integration of foreigners living in Latvia

  • to promote the compositions of Latvian and foreign composers


2. Time and place of the competition:

13 April 2024, Ādaži Culture Centre, 33A Gaujas Street, Ādaži


3. Participants and age groups:



  • 4 to 6 years

  • 7 to 9 years

  • 10 to 12 years

  • 13 to 18 years


The exact distribution of soloists by age group will be decided at the end of the registration period.



  • 4 to 7 years

  • 8 to 10 years

  • 11 to 14 years

  • 15 to 18 years


  • The number of participants per group: 4 to 12

  • 10% of the participants can be than one year older than the selected age group.


4. Tasks of the participants of the competition:

Prepare 1 song (pop, rock, r&b, jazz) of their choice.

The duration of the song must not exceed 3:40 minutes.

Background singers may be recorded, but may not duplicate the melody. Groups cannot use recorded background voices.


5. Assesment and awards:

The jury scores the participants on a scale of 1–10.

All participants are awarded 1st, 2nd or 3rd prize diplomas and gifts.

Participants with the highest score are awarded 1st, 2nd, 3rd place trophy cups and gifts from our sponsors. If several participants qualifying for 1st, 2nd, 3rd prize have the same number of points, the jury has the right to decide which of the participants will be awarded 1st, 2nd, 3rd prize.

Two Grand Prix prizes will be awarded.

The 2023 Grand Prix winners are not eligible for this prize in 2024.



6. Assesment criteria:

Age-appropriateness, complexity, originality of the song.

Technical performance of the song.

The stage artistic performance of the song (choreography, costumes, charisma, etc.).

Polyphony in the respective age group according to the following criteria (this criterion is desirable but not obligatory):

  • 4-7 years, unison

  • 8-10 years, two-part

  • 11-14 years, three-part

  • 15-18 years, three-part and more


7. Application forms must be submitted by 22 March, 2024. Application form can be found on the website of the competition:


The number of participants is limited. If the maximum number of participants is reached before 22 March, 2024, the application will be closed.


If the participation fee is not paid and the phonogram is not sent by 22 March, 2024 your participation in the competition will be cancelled.


8. The phonogram of the song must be sent to the e-mail: by 22 March, 2024 and brought to the competition place on the day of the competition in USB format.


9. Participation fee:

For soloists: 60 eur

For groups: 20 eur/per participant


If the participant withdraws his participation after 2 April, 2024 the organisers will not refund the participation fee.

The participation fee must be paid by 22 March, 2024.

Payment must be made according to the invoice sent by e-mail.

The purpose of the payment must include the following data: invoice number, name of the soloist or group, age group


Data of the competition organiser:

SIA Carbon Capital

Pils Street 4, Cesis, LV-4101

Reg. No. 40103457393

Account number: LV75HABA0551031465370


If the purpose of the payment is incorrectly indicated, the organisers have the right to return the participation fee to the payer.


10. The organisers of the competition:

Producers: Līva Bondare, Marta Cipe (ex. Ritova)

Registration and payments: Marta Cipe, mob. phone: 29866027,


The organisers have the right to change the rules and requirements of the competition, as well as to make other changes, by announcing it on the competition website. 


Participants will be informed on the organisational arrangements of the competetion and performance times electronically by 2 April, 2024.


Please note that photography and filming will take place during the event and the images may be posted on the website or on the Facebook and Instagram of the competition.

By entering and attending the competition, you agree that:

- you may be photographed and filmed;

- photographs of you and your child may be posted on the website or on Facebook and Instagram of the competition.


Rekvizīti konkursa organizatoram:

SIA Carbon Capital

Pils iela 4, Cēsis. LV-4101

reģ.nr. 40103457393


  • Konkursa rīkotāji: Līva Bondare un Marta Ritova;

  • mob. 26520807 ( Līva )

  • mob. 29866027 (Marta )




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